Bashir Bello is an award winning journalist based in Kaduna, Northern Nigeria. His works had earned him awards, including ‘Courage In Journalism Award’ and ‘Community Service Award’.

He began his journalism career in 2009 with the famous ‘New Nigerian Newspapers’.

“I came into the Journalism profession in 2007 as an intern – I was to do the one year mandatory internship required of polytechnic students in Nigerian system.

After the internship in the Editorial Department, I decided to stay back for another one year voluntary service, this later made the organisation to employ me,” Bello told AMDF.

At a point, the Organisation was battling with salary issues among others, resulting in series of strike actions that lasted over a year. “I moved to freelance for the Guardian Newspapers, City Source News, A-Z Newspapers and now Nigerian Pilot newspaper as Kaduna State Corresponden,” he said.

In 2016, Bello founded his own online news platform, NEWS EQUAL ( where they work around development, investigative, and advocacy journalism.

Bello is a team member of five Development and Investigative Reporters in Nigeria. Some of their stories have brought change and interventions to the people and society.

The team did a story on a community called, Anguwan Kanti, where it showcased challenges faced by the community. The story led to the construction of the first Sand Dam in West Africa in Anguwan Kanti community to address water challenges.

He has attended several journalism trainings organised and sponsored by both local and International organisations.

“My story won’t be complete without sharing my experience about people I met in the profession and people I look up to as Mentors. Among them Ismail Omipidan, Tony Akowe, and Iliya Kure.” Bello said.

Bello holds HND in Mass Communication from Kaduna Polytechnic Nigeria.


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